
  • Golden Barrel Cactus: Echinocactus grusonii

    While not a cushion most of us would care to sit upon, these chubby cacti make a lovely addition to xeriscape or rock gardens. They are slow growing, and have a clustering habit when growing…

  • Avocados, Olives, and Limes: Growing Your Own

    Foodies are frequently looking for the ultimate “super food”. While no one food really fulfills the “superfood” role, avocados, olives and limes all have their place in the history of human food. Each provides a…

  • Steps for Growing Tahitian Limes

    Tahitian limes are a citrus fruit that like a tropical environment. They need to be warm, and to have moderate rain. They enjoy a well-drained loamy soil that will hold a little moisture, but that…

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