
  • Designer Pots and Designer Trees

    There are two times of the year when planting trees out-of-doors is just not the best idea: mid-winter, and mid-summer. But that does not mean that tree lovers have to do without their favorite plants….

  • Gardening Indoors with Designer Trees

    People who love plants and gardening do not always have the space, weather, or time to garden outside. An excellent solution to this is to grow plants in pots. Sunrooms, patios, even living rooms or…

  • Why It’s Time to Stop Using Plastic Plant Pots

    Whether you’ve ordered a houseplant online or have treated yourself to a new tree from your local nursery, chances are that your purchase will be growing in a plastic plant pot. After all, plastic pots…

  • How to Plant a Pot-Grown Tree

    If you’ve just purchased a new container-grown tree for your garden, then you’re probably wondering how to go about planting it. Here’s a step-by-step guide for you to follow:   Choose the Right Time Unlike…

  • Container Gardening: From Bonsai to the Office Tree

    Almost any tree or plant can be an indoor plant. Growing them is just a matter of planning for your plants, thinking about the space you have available, and perhaps adding a table, stand, or…

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