Golden Barrel Cactus

  • Top 10 Architectural Trees

    An architectural tree is one that has a pleasing shape and that will fit nicely within a landscape or near a home or business building. Thinking about an architectural tree means keeping in mind the…

  • Top Ten Architectural Trees

    Designer trees are those that architects and landscapers like to use to enhance the appearance or enjoyability of the home or business. In some few cases, utility also has its place in the general planning….

  • Five Feature Plants for Arid Areas

    Here are five feature plants for areas with arid growing conditions: the golden barrel cactus, Yucca Filifera, yucca rostrata, glauca grass tree, and Queensland bottle tree. Each of these plants or trees has an unusual…

  • WATCH: New Landscaping

    We’ve got some yucca Estrada’s in here. Some blue grass trees. We’ve got some amazing black rock…

  • Top Four Xeriscape Garden Plants

    While it is sometimes necessary, one way to have beautiful ornamental plants is to choose those that do not require large amounts of water. Cactus, grass trees, and various species of yucca are frequently hardy…

  • WATCH: Golden Barrel Cactus Multiplying

    What happens when they multiply… the mother plant passes away, but all the nutrients still come up through the mother plant into the pups on the top.

  • Golden Barrel Cactus: Planting, Propagating and Caring

    Once established, golden barrel cactus require very little maintenance. Since they originate from an area where the rainy season is short and intense, followed by long dry spells, they require very little watering. The plants…

  • Golden Barrel Cactus: Echinocactus grusonii

    While not a cushion most of us would care to sit upon, these chubby cacti make a lovely addition to xeriscape or rock gardens. They are slow growing, and have a clustering habit when growing…

  • Golden Barrel Cactus

    The golden barrel cactus or Echinocactus grusonii originated in Mexico. Its round, chubby shape which has earned it the alternative name mother-in-law’s cushion, makes it an attractive addition to rock gardens, succulent gardens or Mediterranean…

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