
  • 3 Fruit Trees You Can Grow Indoors

    Love the idea of growing your own fruit but don’t have enough outdoor space for a tree? Don’t worry, you don’t need to give up on the idea of freshly-picked fruit – here are three…

  • Gearing up for Spring: Are your Trees Ready?

    Spring is probably one of the most exciting times of the year for gardeners everywhere. When your garden focuses on trees, it is one continuous adventure right after another. Warmer temperatures, but not too warm,…

  • Is Bigger Always Better When Buying a New Garden Tree?

    Thinking about buying a new tree for your garden? Hopefully, you’ve already narrowed down your options when it comes to choosing a species (hint: pick those that are best suited to the growing conditions that…

  • Growing Fresh Air

    The year 2020 brought changes to many people around the world. Even though cases of Covid-19 seem to be slowing down as of mid-November 2020, it is doubtful that any of us will forget this…

  • WATCH: Bottle Tree Grove

    These are our bottle trees by Designer Trees. So we’ve got a nice little grove of bottle trees in this section, all different heights, shapes and thicknesses. They look quite amazing mixed in with a…

  • WATCH: Tahitian Lime Trees

    We’ve got some Tahitian limes here, full of fruit as well. Ready to go.

  • WATCH: Trimming Blue Grass Trees

    Even in their clumping formation, they can look quite spectacular at different heights.

  • WATCH: Trimming Blue Grass Trees

    I’m just going to actually trim one up for you guys. These are all the old leaves here. This section, it’s given us a brand new flush, so I’m just going to give it a…

  • WATCH: Blue grass trees in crates

    Okay, so we got some crates fully loaded. We got two truckloads basically ready to go.

  • WATCH: Blue grass trees in the wild (3)

    As you can see, the color of the actual plant. It’s quite amazing.

  • WATCH: Blue grass trees in the wild (Part 2)

    Glauca grass trees by Designer Trees. Just showing you the color of these trees, they’re actually quite blue in color.

  • Olives and Oil and Growing Trees

    Olives, pickled olives, and olive oil all come from olive trees. Although these wonderful trees are available in several varieties, the differences between olive products is primarily derived from when they are picked and how…

  • Dragon Trees: Real Trees with Mythological name

    Dragon trees, Dracaena  Marginata, Lucky Bamboo, and even Dracaena Cinnabari, as well as several other Dracaena species, are more closely related to the lily family than to palm trees even though the two are often…

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