Yucca Filifera

  • Growing Trees for Flowers

    There’s nothing quite like the colour and vibrancy that flowers add to a garden. Chances are that you already have a few flowering plants dotted around you. Not only are they attractive to look at,…

  • Midsummer Trees for Your Designer Garden

    Although it is unlikely that you will find Oberon and Titania, or even Bottom, the donkey-headed man in your garden at Midsummer, it is a season just as magical as the Shakespearean play. Poised at…

  • Yucca What’s in a Name?

    Yucca, Yacca, Yuca, What’s in a name? Yucca, yacca, yuca, what’s in a name? When it comes to plants, a lot. A rose by any other name might smell as sweet, but it might not…

  • 5 Trees That Are Perfect for the NSW Climate

    Here in NSW, we’re blessed with quite a warm climate. Summers feel almost tropical while winters are generally mild and tolerable. This opens up plenty of options when it comes to picking new trees for…

  • 4 Ways to Keep Your Yucca Trees Happy

    Concerned that your yucca trees aren’t thriving in the way that they should? Here are four things that you can do to give your yuccas a boost.   Protect Them From Direct Sunlight Have you…

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