Here at Designer Trees we take pride in our expertise with mature and rare trees. One of the things we have learned is that when it comes to planting and arranging feature trees, it really is a good plan to pay attention to the height your tree is likely to attain over the course of its lifetime. Perhaps it might not reach its full growth during your lifetime or under your stewardship, but at some time that baby tree that you planted or that young tree that was transplanted into your garden will reach its mature height. By keeping the height of the tree in mind, you can prevent problems that could occur in the future.
The Good Things About Trees
In a very real sense of the word, trees are the lungs of the world, along with all the other green and growing plants. As part of their respiration cycle, they give off oxygen just as we breath out carbon dioxide. As you might suppose, the bigger and leafier the tree, the more oxygen it gives off. If you’ve ever felt as if you could suddenly breath a lot better when you step into a forest, it is just possible (barring allergies) that you really can.
Trees bear fruit and nuts. Some act as water reservoirs, while others pull up minerals from deep in the earth and share them with the surface in the form of fallen leaves and even dead branches or twigs. They provide extensive habitat for all sorts of creatures, from tiny insects up through some primates.
Wood, paper, some kinds of medicines, spices and even some industrial materials all come from trees. That adds up to a lot of different kinds of things from the many diverse kinds of trees.
The Bad Things About Trees
Trees compete with each other and with other plants for resources such as soil nutrients, water, sunlight, and space. A big tree can crowd out smaller species and cause growing problems if not given enough room.
Trees can be a real problem when planted too close to buildings, sidewalks, or streets. Their roots are strong enough to crack foundations or to push up concrete or asphalt slabs. When tree roots get into plumbing systems, they can quickly clog things up. Extremely large trees can sometimes drop a limb that is easily the size of a young tree, an event that is far from pleasing if it lands on a house or other building.
Back to the Good News About Trees
Planning makes a big difference in the health and longevity of a tree and the things around it. When you know how tall a tree will grow, how wide its branches will stretch out, and how deep its roots, you can look for planting spaces that will help avoid many of the problems that go along with having beautiful trees in your yard.
In addition, when you take into consideration tree size and its growing habits, you will have healthier trees that require less care and maintenance.
We currently feature eleven trees that grow well in Australia and in places that have similar climates. Of these eleven, eight are currently in stock and available for sale. This might change from time to time, so be sure to contact us or call us to help plan your purchase.
Trees and bushes by height:
- Mango Trees (Mangifera Indica) 35 to 40 meters (115 – 131 ft)
- Avocado Tree (Persea Americana)18 to 24 meters (80 feet)
- Aloe Barberae (Aloidendron barberae) – 18 to 20 meters (65 feet)
- Queensland Bottle tree (Brachychiton rupestris) – 18 to 20 meters (65 feet)
- Dragon Tree (Dracaena draco) 10 to 12 meters (39 feet)
- Yucca Filifera (Yucca Filifera) 8 to 12 meters (26 to 39 ft)
- Olive tree (Olea europaea) 7 to 9 meters (25-30 feet)
- Tahitian lime (Citrus x latifolia) 6 meters (20 feet; but can bear fruit at around 2 to 4 feet, esp. in containers)
- Glauca Grass tree (Xanthorrhoea glauca) – 6 meters (20 feet)
- Yucca Rostrata (yucca rostrata) — 3 to 5 meters (12- 15 feet)
- Australia Finger Lime (Citrus australasica)5 to 2.1 meters (6 to 7 feet)
Additional Things to Think About:
Some trees, especially fruit trees, are available in dwarf varieties. These special hybrids can be grown in smaller spaces than full-sized trees. Trees grown in containers are likely to be smaller than those grown in natural surroundings. To some extent, amount and direction of growth can be controlled by pruning. Height is by no means the only consideration when planting a tree, but it is a good beginning for planning a space where your beautiful tree can grow happily, giving pleasure for many generations.