Okay guys, welcome back. I’m going to show you what we do when we harvest the tree, and how we trim the canopies right back. It actually rejuvenates the tree, and it pushes all its energy into working on the new canopies, as opposed to trying to salvage the old ones. They just struggle quite a bit. What we do, we trim the whole heads off, and then within a couple of months the canopy starts to come back quite well. This is how we harvest them.
Okay so that’s our harvest cut. These canopy will power through over the next month or two. The canopy will be up here, so they do power on. Okay? But we like to get them right back to zero. So that way, once we pull it out, all its energy comes through the leaf structure and pushes it through. We find that if we do not cut them off, they do struggle. So if you do have one in your yard that you feel is struggling, what we do, give it a harvest cut. Before you know it, you’re going to come back nice and fresh.